On the Legal Mechanism for the Implementation of Powers by the Prosecutor’s Offiсe in the Field of Combating Corruption


  • Alexander Mitin Ural State Law University named after V. F. Yakovlev
  • Anatoly Rassokhin Ural State Law University named after V. F. Yakovlev
  • Oleg Sobolev Уральский государственный юридический университет им. В. Ф. Яковлева


prosecutor’s offie, legal mechanism, implementation of powers, anti-corruption, prosecutor’s supervision, subjects, objects of anti-corruption, anti-corruption policy


The dynamics of corruption requires constant improvement of legal mechanisms to combat it. This pattern predetermined the adoption of an Order by the Prosecutor General’s Offie dated October 10, 2022 No. 581 «On the Exercise of Prosecutorial Supervision and the Exercise by Prosecutors of Other Powers in the Field of Anti-Corruption».

The article examines the results of the application of the legal mechanism for the implementation the Prosecutor’s Offie powers to systematically combat corruption. The article was aimed at fiding gaps in regulation of the anti-corruption expertise. The authors compare the Order of the Prosecutor General’s Offie dated October 10, 2022 No. 581 with the Order of the Prosecutor General’s Offie dated December 28, 2009 No. 400 «On the Organization of Anti-Corruption Expertise of Regulatory Legal Acts», which was in force earlier. It was revealed that, fistly, the Order No. 581 did not defie a unifid standard of competence for prosecutors who conduct anti-corruption expertise of regulatory legal acts; secondly, there is no form of the prosecutor’s requirement to change the regulatory legal act; thirdly, there is no unifid procedure for conducting an anti-corruption examination of regulatory legal acts by the prosecutor’s offie. From the authors’ point of view, it is necessary to develop an order from the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation to approve such a procedure.

