Constitutional and legal support of people's trust in the judiciary


  • Алла Гуторова ФГБОУ ВО ЮЗГУ


: judiciary, constitutional guarantees, publicity, independence of courts, public opinion, justice, irremovability of judges


Ensuring public confidence in the judiciary is achieved through the use of such constitutional and legal instruments as a combination of professional and non-professional justice, public administration of justice, access to information about the activities of the courts, the constitutional procedure for appointment and dismissal, and requirements for the behavior of judges. The author proceeds from the need to distinguish between people's trust in the judiciary and a particular judge, considering them as general and special. Based on the analysis, the author comes to the conclusion that there are a number of constitutional and legal problems, the solution of which is possible through point changes in the current legislation. The adoption of the latter will ensure people's confidence in the judiciary, taking into account the need to ensure the stability of the institution and the rotation of the judiciary.

