Structure and Content of the High-Tech Crime Method



method of crimes, means of crimes, preparation of crimes, concealment of crimes, computer crimes, high-tech crimes


The article considers the criminalistic group of high-tech crimes, which is distinguished on the
basis of criminalistic criteria. It is proved that the most important identifying feature of these criminal
acts is the method of crime. It is always fully structured, while its elements (preparation for a crime, its commission and concealment of traces) are mutually dependent and cannot always be separated
chronologically. The analysis of the main features characterizing the content of individual elements
of the method of crime is carried out. The main tasks solved in preparation for high-tech crimes are
The most important features of the element of committing a crime are described. The classification
of the concealment of the crimes under consideration was carried out on the basis of criteria that included the content of the concealment actions, the period of their implementation, and the object
of influence. The techniques and means used by criminals to obstruct the investigation, including
when staging a crime, are considered. The high dynamics of improving the techniques included in the method of high-tech crimes is noted.

