Consolidated Settlement Agreement: Creation and Reflection


  • Evgenii Ivanov Ural State Law University named after V. F. Yakovlev
  • Vladislav Tuktamyshev Уральский государственный юридический университет имени В.Ф. Яковлева


settlement agreement, consolidated settlement agreement, settlement, dispute resolution


An increase in the number of legal disputes,including those that arise from one legal conflict, determines the necessity to search for new approaches to their unified settlement. The article examines the possibility of introduction a new legal means into the domestic procedural law: a consolidated settlement agreement, which will allow the resolution of legal disputes on different suitcases.
The authors analyze the preconditions for integration of this legal means into the procedural law. It is considered, that the existing legal means are not suitable for the simultaneous settlement of several legal disputes. The process of forming a consolidated settlement agreement by selecting and changing the current legal means is comprehended. It seems optimal to change the ordinary settlement agreement by complementing it with new elements, which correspond the current legal regulation and procedural law dogma. The place of the relevant norms in the procedural codes is determined, a draft federal law on amendments to the Arbitration Procedure Code of the Russian Federation is presented.

