On the Systematization of Procedures for the Settlement of Legal Disputes in an Administrative Order


  • Dmitriy Lifanov Ural State Law University named after V. F. Yakovlev


public-law dispute, pre-trial appeal, jurisdiction of disputes, procedural form, administrative procedures


The article discusses some approaches to the construction of a system of procedures for the settlement of legal disputes in an administrative order. Special attention is paid to the content
(structure) of pre-trial appeal of acts of public administration, considering doctrinal approaches
and changes in the current Russian legislation. The correlation of the content of the concepts of «administrative procedure» and «administrative order» in pre-trial appeal is investigated.

Based on the analysis of judicial practice and draft laws, the author’s approach to the differentiation and systematization of special appeal procedures is proposed. The author concludes that it is necessary to clarify the legislative terminology and differentiate special appeal procedures, and to formalize the general rules of complaint proceedings that apply to all types of appeal procedures.

