Региональный конституционный контроль в России: возможен ли ренессанс?


  • Марат Саликов Уральский государственный юридический университет


constitutional control, constitutional (charter) courts, interpretation of the constitution (charter), judicial system, separation of powers, federal structure


The author analyzes the situation that arose after the abolition of constitutional justice bodies in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, the legal grounds for such a decision, as well as the consequences for both the regional authorities as a whole and for individual citizens in terms of protecting their rights and legitimate interests.

Various options for "replacing" constitutional (charter) courts are considered, including councils under the legislative bodies of state power of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, the possibility of creating which is provided for by federal legisiation. The thesis about the advantages of creating regional committees of constitutional (charter) control is argued.

