About the Journal

The «Rossijskoe Pravo. Obrazovanie, Praktika, Nauka» journal (Russian Law: Education, Practice, Researches, ISSN 2410-2709) is a professional law journal which has been produced since August 2004.

In the journal, topical problems of the Russian legal system and international law are discussed. Also the journal reports on significant legal events and publishes interviews with famous legal scholars, lawyers, heads of governmental bodies and public activists. In the journal you can find research articles, analytical papers, experts’ commentaries, essays, book reviews and other information. Traditionally, considerable attention in the journal is paid to the matters of judicial system and legal procedures, protection of human rights, legal practice and notary public, legal education. The main part of the journal deals with research articles and reviews.

The «Rossijskoe Pravo. Obrazovanie, Praktika, Nauka» journal  is open for collaboration with Russian and foreign authors from around the world – both recognized experts in law and young scholars. More information for authors and the requirements to the articles you can find here.

The aim of the journal is to create a Russian-language platform for publishing and open discussing results of researches on topical issues of Russian, foreign and international law.

The main objectives of the journal are the following:

  • to give a cost-free opportunity for Russian legal scholars to publish results of their research activities on problems of Russian, foreign, international and comparative law;
  • to give a cost-free opportunity for foreign legal scholars (including scholars from developing countries) to publish results of their research activities on problems of Russian, international and comparative law
  • to provide reviewing (refereeing) of all articles receiving by the editorial board before publishing;
  • to provide readers open access to all research articles published in the journal;
  • to provide equal opportunities in publishing articles both for leading scholars and young authors.

All research articles published in the journal are delivered for processing and electronic archiving to the Scientific Electronic Library (eLIBRARY) — national provider of electronic archives of scientific journals and provider of the Russian Index of scientific citation (Science Index). All articles are hosted and made publicy available at the eLIBRARY website. The policy of archivation includes delivering meta-data (titles, key words, abstracts, lists of sources and information about author(s) — both in Russian and English) and full texts (in Russian) of all articles to the Scientific Electronic Library (eLIBRARY) right after publishing a new issue of the journal. This policy is based on the open access principle: full texts of all the articles published in the journal are constantly available online for free. Copies of printed versions of issues of the journal are delivered to the Russian State Library and other large libraries in Russia.

The journal launches 6 times a year and is delivered by subscription (and by address  delivering to the state authorities and the main libraries of Russia and also by launching during professional legal events (conferences, forums, exhibitions).

The founder and publisher of the journal is Ural State Law University.

The main themes (rubrics) of the journal:

  • Theory of Law
  • History of law
  • Constitutional law
  • Civil law
  • Administrative law and procedure
  • Constitutional legal procedure
  • Civil procedure
  • Arbitration
  • Alternative Dispute Resolution
  • Human rights
  • Criminal law
  • Criminal procedure
  • Criminal science
  • Forensic science
  • Environmental law
  • Commercial law
  • Municipal law and local self-government
  • Protection on entrepreneurs’ rights
  • Electoral law
  • International law
  • Informational law
  • Intellectual property law
  • Labor law
  • Legal practice
  • Notary public
  • Procecutors’ supervision
  • Comparative law
  • Legal education
  • Law abroad

The main key words describing the journal: law, legislation, state, right, legal order, rule-of-law state, legal practice, court, judicial system, law-enforcement activity, legal studies, legal education