In-Text Citation Guide

References to sources are made according to the rules of the Harvard Citation System directly in the text in square brackets, in which the name of the author of the publication, the year of publication and (if necessary) the page number are indicated in the following format:

[Иванов 2014: 250],

where: Иванов - the name of the author of the publication placed in the list of literature, 2014 - the year of publication, 250 - page number.

If the article cites several publications of the same author for one year, add the letters a, b, c, d to the year of publication ...

[Иванов 2014a, 2014b].

If a publication has more than one author, they are listed separated by commas (but no more than three):

[Иванов, Петров, Сергеев 2015: 250]

If a publication is released without an author (for example, a book under an editorial), the title, or the beginning of the title, is listed instead of the author's or responsible editor's surname:

[Административное право 2016: 170]

If the reference is given to the publication as a whole, and not to any particular fragment of it, but the page number is not given:

[Иванов 2014]

[Статус прокуратуры Российской Федерации 2016].

However, if a quote or someone else's point of view is cited, the page on which the relevant statement is located must be indicated.

If a quote or statement occupies several pages, they are indicated through a dash: 

[Сидорова 2011: 125-126].

If it is necessary to cite several works at once, they are indicated with a semicolon in alphabetical order:

[Петров 2015; Сергеев 2017].

References to the sources of publication of laws, other legal acts, court decisions (The Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, Rossiyskaya Gazeta, Bulletin of the Supreme Court of the RF, etc.) are not given! Instead, full details of the legal act are given directly in the text when it is first mentioned.

In the text of the article it may look (conditionally) as follows:

In the literature, there is a widespread view that the Russian prosecutor's office needs to be reformed [Иванов 2014: 250]. However, not all authors agree with it [Петров 2015; Александров 2017]. I. V. Sidorova notes that the powers of prosecution should be expanded [Сидорова 2011: 125-126]. At the same time, an opinion is expressed that the powers of the prosecutor's office listed in the Federal law of January 17, 1992 № 2202-1 "On the Prosecutor's office of the Russian Federation" are already too broad and sometimes duplicate the powers of executive authorities [Статус прокуратуры Россйской Федерации 2016: 183]. The limits of the competence of prosecution bodies have repeatedly become the subject of court disputes (see, for example, the ruling of the Arbitration Court of the Ural District of March 1, 2014 on case No. A60-10010/2012 and others).

For the above fragment the list of references could look like this, for example:

Александров А. А. Реформа прокуратуры: за и против: моногр. М.: Юрист, 2017. 286 с.

Иванов И. И. Проблемы реформирования прокуратуры России // Российское право. 2014. № 8. С. 245–252.

Петров П. П. Прокуратура и права человека // Журнал правовых исследований. 2015. № 1. С. 12–25.

Сидорова И. В. К вопросу о пределах полномочий органов государственной власти // Государственная власть в России и за рубежом. 2011. № 4. С. 120–131.

Статус прокуратуры Российской Федерации: коллектив. моногр. / под ред. И. И. Иванова. Екатеринбург: Средне-Урал. кн. изд-во, 2016. 204 с.

The information in square brackets should allow identifying the particular source listed in the List of References by author's surname and year of publication, as well as the page number. Sources listed in square brackets should be cited in the List of References.

For example, the reference in the text [Иванов 2014: 250] refers to page 250 of the following source from the List of References: Иванов И. И. Проблемы реформирования прокуратуры России // Российское право. 2014. № 8. С. 245–252.