Requirements for materials
1. Author's materials in the Russian language are accepted for publication in the journal "Russian Law: Education, Practice, Science": scientific articles, reviews, surveys, and other materials corresponding to the topic of the publication.
2. The final evaluation of the text originality should be, as a rule, not less than 80%. All articles, received by the editorial board for publication in the journal, are checked by the system "Anti-Plagiarism". If the author earlier published the article or its essential part, this article is not accepted for consideration and returned to the author. Insufficient percentage of originality (uniqueness) of the text or the presence in it of incorrect borrowings may serve as a basis for refusal of publication.
3. An author's typing original material in text editor MS Word (or similar editor, extension *. doc or *. RTF). The technical requirements: typeface Times New Roman, font size - 14, line spacing - 1.5, margins -20 mm. Paragraph indent -1.25 mm (should be set not by the tabulator, but by the command Format / Paragraph / Indentation / the First line).
4. The volume of the article should be no less than 20 000 and no more than 60 000 (including spaces, title, author information, abstract, keywords and references). For graduate students - up to 20 000 characters.
5. The article's structure should include a statement of the problem and argumentation of its relevance; review of scientific literature on the investigated issue, its scientific analysis; author's conclusions. The article should not be abstract or represent a simple description of legislative regulation in this or that sphere.
6. The file with the article must contain:
– the title of the article in Russian and English;
– the author's surname, name, patronymic (in full, in Russian and Latin transliteration), his place of work (education) in Russian and in English, academic degree and academic status (if any) in Russian and in English, e-mail, ORCID
– keywords in Russian and English (5-7 words);
– an abstract in Russian and English (150-200 words in Russian and 200-250 words in English);
– list of references, as well as transliterated references.
7. The Editorial Board reviews the submitted materials and reserves the right to publish the material or return it to the author for revision. Also, the Editorial Board reserves the right to make editorial and stylistic changes in the text of the author's material, its title, and the abstract, without changing the main article's meaning, which the author laid down.
8. The article should be accompanied by an informational certificate, which must include the following data: surname, first name, patronymic of the author (authors); date, month, year of birth of each of the authors; passport data of each author; place of work, position, academic degree, academic rank of each of the authors; residence address, mailing address, contact telephone number, the e-mail address of each of the authors. The articles of graduate students are accompanied by reviews of scientific supervisors.