Features of the Use of Interactive Methods in Teaching the Discipline «Consideration of Cases on the Protection of Collective Interests by the Courts»


  • Vladimir Dolganichev


collective forms of judicial remedy, class action, teaching methods in legal education, professional competence, problem-oriented education


In the world practice, several forms of protection of collective interests have been developed, but so far, there has been no discussion on the analysis of these forms and on the training of relevant specialists. In this regard, the discipline «Consideration of cases on protection of collective interests by the courts» is taught at the Ural State Law University named after V. F. Yakovlev. At the same time, interactive methods are of particular importance in its teaching and in the modern educational process as a whole.
This study examines several of these methods. For instance, the method of problem formulation makes it possible to determine the most important theoretical categories and constructions in the field of protection of collective interests. The precedent method allows using theoretical knowledge to train the skills and abilities of analyzing legislation and judicial practice, for example, in the application of class actions, and to give an appropriate conclusion on the case. The project method involves obtaining knowledge and skills within the framework of «practical» activities: undergraduates analyze factual circumstances, legislation, judicial practice in bankruptcy cases, indirect claims, etc. to form one’s own legal position on the case. The author concludes, that the most effective and promising approach to teaching the course «Consideration of cases on the protection of collective interests by the courts» is the use of a combination of interactive teaching methods.

