Объекты накопленного вреда: к вопросу о несанкционированных свалках


  • Дмитрий Дубовик Уральский государственный юридический университет имени В.Ф. Яковлева


unauthorized dumps, objects of accumulated harm, production and consumption waste, waste disposal sites, financing of work to eliminate the accumulated harm


The article analyzes problematic issues related to the legal regulation of activities to eliminate unauthorized dumps. As a problem, the author highlights the imperfection of the conceptual apparatus of the accumulated harm to the environment, and the contradictions in the current legislation in terms of determining the authorized body and its powers.

The necessity of clarifying the criteria for identifying objects of accumulated harm, delimiting the powers of state bodies and local governments to eliminate them is substantiated.

Turning to the issue of legal regulation of activities related to the liquidation of unauthorized dumps, the author proves the need for the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation to generalize judicial practice.

