Eurasian Regionalism: Post-Soviet Apology or Utopia of Universalism?


  • Yurii Bezborodov Ural State Law University named after V. F. Yakovlev
  • Maksim Likhachev Ural State Law University named after V. F. Yakovlev


universalization, regionalization, Eurasia, integration, human rights mechanism, SCO, EAEU, international law


The authors describe the work of the discussion panel organized within the framework of the XVI session of the European-Asian Legal Congress «Balance of Interests in Law». It is stated, that universalization and regionalization are not contradictory trends but a two-fold process. There is no other way to be included in the global agenda and to advance national interests than multifaceted integration lato sensu. The modern international law demands states to balance their national interests with one another and them all with the interests of the international community. Even if utopian, universality is a normative aim to be followed consistently and decisively.

Eurasian ideas about law and human rights are inferior to the requirements of the universality and interests of the international community. All regional projects should not be opposed to the demands of international law but should implement and enhance international standards. Parochial initiatives are of no prospect: too much has been done and paid to reach the current stage of universality in international law to give in to demands of reconsideration and reconstruction of universal standards (despite proper critique of their vagueness and weakness) and whims of national authoritative powers.

