Annotation and keywords

Write the abstract and keywords in Russian and in English. The abstract volume in Russian is 150-200 words; in English, 200-250 words. The number of keywords is 5-7, separated by a comma.

The abstract should be detailed and reflect:

  • the problem the article is aimed at solving (you should not simply repeat the title of the article);
  • the methodology used in the research;
  • a brief content (paraphrase) of the article, reproducing the basic logic and sequence of presentation of the material;
  • the major conclusions made in the article, the field of its application.

The meaning of an extended abstract (summary) is that the reader, having familiarized himself with the abstract, could get a general idea about the article, including the author's conclusions made in it, assess the usefulness of the article for himself, its theoretical or practical significance. Especially true for abstract in English. Foreign readers who do not speak Russian can read the abstract and, having understood the meaning of the article, refer to this work in their publications. For this reason, you have to perform the translation of the abstract into English with high quality. The use of machine translation is unacceptable. Poor quality translation of the abstract and keywords may serve as grounds for rejection of the submitted manuscript.

Keywords should reflect the main terminology on the issue disclosed in the article. Try to avoid general words and expressions that do not reveal the specifics of the article (such as "system of principles"). Keywords should be formulated as concrete as possible and give a complete picture of the article's thesaurus.

Why is it necessary to have an extended abstract?

Without an extended abstract in Russian, there is no high-quality English abstract, because it is easier to translate the text from Russian than to write it in English from virtually scratch.

What you must NOT write in the abstract?

The abstract should not include:

  • the title of the article,
  • literal repetitions from the article (especially in paragraphs!),
  • general phrases about the theoretical and practical importance, scientific novelty, and relevance of the research.

Below are examples of such phrases:

At the beginning …

The article examines/studies/analyzes … [repeat title of the article].

In today's dynamically changing world, the subject of the author's research becomes a necessary condition for efficient activity …

In the world of global transformations, the topic of the author's research is relevant and actual.

Modern challenges in the sphere of interest to the author dictate the rules of the game / create risks / cause the emergence of different phenomena.

At the end …

The paper concludes that the subject of the author's research is crucial and needs to be further explored.

At the end of the article the conclusions about the need for further improvement of legislation are formulated [the conclusions themselves are not given].

The author proposed the ways to overcome defects in legal regulation [not said in which ways].

Examples of abstracts and keywords (in Russian):


Multinational federations and their constitutional and legal characteristics


The diversity of federations in the world dictates the need to search for new approaches to their typology. The author explores a specific type of federals states - multinational federations. In his opinion, such federations include federations, where constituent entities are formed in historically formed places of concentrated residence of ethnopolitical communities ("internal nations") and act for them as a territorial form of self-determination. In most such states, federalism aims to resolve inter-ethnic conflicts. In this context, the federal form of government, the status of its entities, the delimitation of competences between the levels of government, and the mechanisms of regional representation are often the result of compromises and agreements between the central government and regional ethnic elites.

Multinational federations have all the constitutional and legal features of federal states. But its federal institutions are influenced by the ethnic factor. Based on the analysis of positions of constitutions and other legal acts of Russia and foreign countries within the limits of the comparative-legal method the author proves, that territorial representation in multinational federations is closely connected with ethnic representation, and differentiation of competence between the federal center and constituent entities is constructed taking into account ethnocultural and language specificity of regions.

Keywords: federalism, federation, multinational federation, multinational federalism, ethnic federalism


Problems of the legal status of cryptocurrency in the system of international
settlements of the Russian Federation

Today, cryptocurrencies are gradually replacing the usual units of payment from the financial market. However, there is no consensus on the legal nature and legal status of cryptocurrency. This article discusses approaches to the regulation of a cryptocurrency abroad (in Germany, Switzerland, USA, China) and in Russia. Many countries use the "lex monetae" as a universal conflict of laws clause when determining the applicable law in the field of monetary obligations. However, not all national legal systems recognize cryptocurrency as a currency, so the problem of choosing the applicable law remains unresolved. From the authors' point of view, the optimal choice can be made by the participants themselves through the implementation of the principle of autonomy of will.

The results of the survey of the perception of cryptocurrencies in 2018 are presented. (ING International Survey). The disadvantages of using cryptocurrency (its instability, hacker attacks on digital wallets, the lack of an appropriate legislative framework, the risk of losing cryptocurrencies due to errors in the use of the currency) are analyzed. The authors point out that the development of uniform rules in the cryptocurrency use field will entail many difficulties, including the inability to control its movement, the problems of combating legalization of proceeds of crime, etc.

Keywords: cryptocurrency, "lex monetae", international settlements, financial market, monetary liabilities