Legislative Power of the Subjects of the Russian Federation: Thirty Years of Regional Parliamentarism in Russia


  • Lyudmila Babushkina Ural State Law University named after V. F. Yakovlev, Legislative Assembly of the Sverdlovsk region
  • Marat Salikov Уральский государственный юридический университет им. В. Ф. Яковлева
  • Yulia Serkova Ural State Law University named after V. F. Yakovlev


regional parliamentarism, federalism, bodies of the subjects of the Federation, constitution (charter) of the subject of the Federation, Sverdlovsk region


This article is devoted to the history and current state of the representative bodies of the subjects of the Russian Federation. Special attention is payed to the Legislative Assembly of the Sverdlovsk region. The existence of regional parliamentarism follows from the federal structure of Russia and is based on the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the rules of Federal Law «On General Principles of Organization of Public Power in the Subjects of the Russian Federation», which regulate the division of powers between the Russian Federation and its subjects, as well as on the constitutions (charters) of the subjects of the Federation, which are the basis for their legislation.
It is noted that the regional legislative power is facing a number of problems. They are caused, on the one hand, by the dominance of federal legislation, which leaves very little room for regional legislative initiative, and on the other hand, by blind copying of the federal rules by the regions even in cases when alternative regulation is allowed.
In such conditions, the legislative power of the Sverdlovsk region managed to create a unique,
complex and extensive system of regional legislation, which really regulates a wide range of public relations, starting with issues of public safety and ending with social guarantees for residents

