Situational Approach in the Investigation of Crimes Committed by Juveniles


  • Elena Shishkina Ural State Law University named after V. F. Yakovlev


juvenile, situation, information disability, version, self-incrimination, testimony verification


Developers of the theory of investigative situations interpreted their essence and the content of the main factors, which form these situations, differently. However, all of them noted that this category is of practical importance for detection and investigation of crimes, for it allows determining the main directions of investigation. At the initial stage of investigation of crimes committed by minors, investigative situations of several types are formed, which should be resolved by putting forward typical versions.

The paper considers the main types of investigative situations arising in juvenile cases, analyzes the main information difficulties that accompany them. Special attention is paid to simple situations, which include non-obvious information barriers that require recognition and overcoming. The author concludes that the version of a minor’s innocence is of special importance in such situations, and reveals tactical rules of its verification. Changes in the dynamics and structure of juvenile delinquency are mainly associated with changes in the typical personality traits of a modern teenager, who has become more mobile, technically literate, and has extensive social ties. Analyzing the initial data at the initial stage of investigation, the investigator must take this into account when making versions about the subject of the crime, versions about the actual motives of his behavior, and versions about accomplices and other unknown circumstances. 

